Офисные информационные системы


  1. [Bono] Revolution or Fad? Towards Electronic Publishing, Peter R.Bono (Fraunhofer CRCG,
    USA) and Joaquim A.Jorge (INESC, Portugal), August 1996.
  2. IEEE Guidelines for electronic submission of manuscripts, href="http://www.ieee.org/pubs/subelec.html"> http://www.ieee.org/pubs/subelec.html
  3. [ACM] ACM Publications: Electronic Publishing Plan, Computer Magazine, ACM, April 1995, (on-
    line версия доступна по ).
  4. [Odlyzko] Tragic Loss or Good Riddance? The impending demise of Traditional Scholarly Electronic
    Journals, A. M. Odlyzko, Intern J. Human-Computer Studies 1995, (on-line версия доступна по href="http://www.umassd.edu/WWWCIS/tragicloss.html">
    http://www.umassd.edu/WWWCIS/tragicloss.html ).
  5. On the Road to Electronic Publishing, Andrew Odlyzko, April 30, 1996
  6. [Guedon] The seminar, the encyclopedia and the eco-museum as the future forms of scholarly
    electronic publishing, Jean Claude Guedon, Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Fron- tier, MIT press
  7. [NCSTRL] The NCSTRL project background information can be found at href="http://www.ncstrl.org/Info/press-package.html"> http://www.ncstrl.org/Info/press-
  8. [Silverman] The Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community, in Scholarly
    Publishing: The Electronic Frontier, Robin Peek and Gregory Newby, eds., MIT Press, 1996.


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